In 2019 I had the opportunity to pilot the Georgia Numeracy Project in my at my school. My school was the only school participate in piloting the Georgia Numeracy Project. The Georgia Numeracy Project was adopted as a program to support struggling students and prevention measures for those on track. During the first year, the school focused on second to fifth grade and during the following year, the program was expanded Kindergarten to Fifth grade. The information is described through my personal experience as a coordinator of the program for 2 years.
Georgia Numeracy Project
“The Georgia Numeracy Project is a free numeracy development resource provided by the Georgia Department of Education, which introduces teachers and teacher leaders to the trajectory by which learners acquire a solid foundation in numeracy. The Georgia Numeracy Project is focused on developing students' understanding of numbers, and their ability to use numbers to solve problems. Students may solve number problems by counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, or any combinations of these operations. Students should develop strategies that support their use of these operations in computation problems” (Georgia Department of Education, 2019). The Georgia Numeracy Project is based on and modified from the New Zealand Ministry of Education Numeracy Framework. The "Number Framework" is essential to the Georgia Numeracy Project.