Administering Universal Screeners
The screeners provided by the Georgia Numeracy Project are administered one on one, with the expectation of the IKAN2 which can be administered in a whole group setting. These assessments average between 5-7 minutes to administered.
Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education provides several video examples of the Gloss and IKAN1 assessment. These videos demonstrate how the examiner asked questions, when they asked follow questions (or what manner did they ask the follow up question without probing), examples of responses that students may have, and recording student thinking. In addition, to these videos the Georgia Department of Education has an examiner manual.
Graham Fletcher
Graham Fletcher is an K-8 math educator within Georgia. He is also a creator of mathematical material and author. His website G.Fletchy provides recourses for the Georgia Numeracy Project and includes video examples of administering assessments. I particularly like this video because it demonstrates how students can have a solid way to apply strategies to solve problems. I believe it is important to watch videos of students who are meeting grade level expectations and those who are not.